YNA Community Activity- Kayaking in the Mongroves
Event Date:
February 15, 2025
Event Time:
2:00 pm
Event Location:
purple island
Ladies… Join us for a very fun and entertaining outdoor activity -Kayaking in the Mongroves- Purple Island Alkhor
All details of what you need to bring and time of gathering is in the calendar invite you receive once you register.
Register now as the seats are very limited.
The price of registration includes the cost of everything included in the class
Registration Fees: 500 QR (All inclusive of kayaking, VIP seating and Food and beverage)
Hope to see you all there!
Register Now:
Event FAQs
Is this only for members?
No its for everyone.
Where is the location of the activity?
This will take place in the Food Lab in Messila Resort, Doha Qatar